about me

Hey! I'm Penny.

Once upon a time, I fell from the top rung of a 6-foot ladder. Me and my head crashed through three large, metal shelves and landed on the garage floor. I remember thinking, "Don't let your head hit the cement."

I help clients save time, money, and unnecessary anxiety.

The next thing I remember is opening my eyes and finding myself entangled in the ladder, trying to assess my situation.

Anyone who's had a significant head injury knows that it takes a lot of time to recover. I was incredibly fortunate that it wasn't worse. As I recovered, I tapped into my 30+ years of experience in the corporate and small business worlds to change my “living and working in chaos” ways and embrace simplification, organization, automation, planning, and doing one thing at a time.

I partner with women business owners to simplify, transform & streamline the back office so they can gain an extra 8+ hours a month to focus on building their businesses.

I do the things that women business owners don’t need to be doing: bookkeeping and improving back office processes, procedures, and systems.

I'm a firm believer in the Oxford Comma and I REALLY love (might be obsessed with) true-crime books/shows/movies/stories, anything about Mount Everest, flip-flops, beach life, and spreadsheets. (See how I used the Oxford Comma there?)

I'm originally a born and bred California girl who transplanted to Florida about 26ish years ago. Why did I choose the Central Gulf Coast of Florida over beautiful Northern California and the San Francisco Bay area?

  • No cold, bitter winters
  • 28 miles of white sandy beaches
  • I can see a sunrise AND a sunset all on the same day without driving for more than 20 minutes.

Now THAT is super cool. I also have a tendency to say things like:

  • Awesome/Awesome Sauce
  • Totally
  • Cool/Super Cool
  • God Bless America (instead of cursing...but I also curse)
  • I'm a California girl at heart
  • Hun
  • Gravy/Sauce/Ranch Dressing is life
  • Guinness Gravy is simply a vehicle for french fries
  • I don't want to "people" today
  • I'm so over "peopling"
  • COVID has done wonders for introverts
  • Clusterfuck/Fustercluck
  • True Confession Time

#FunFact Most of the time I will answer to (KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK) Penny, (KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK) Penny, (KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK) Penny.

Oh, and you'll rarely find me on a ladder.

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